Wright Flyers Radio Control Club Wright Flyers - Radio Control Club - AMA #4143

About Us

The Wright Flyers Radio Control Club is a nonprofit organization formed by a group of enthusiasts to share the sport of model aviation.

The Wright Flyers R/C Club publishes a monthly newsletter to inform our members on industry news, member activities, and pertinent business of the club.

The Wright Flyers offer free flight training for our members. We are an all-volunteer organization and rely on members for flight instruction, grass cutting, field maintenance, and other assistance that "makes" the club. The club has hosted, and will continue to host, area Cub Scout groups, with the Scouts having hands-on flying experience.

Our members come from Central Minnesota locations such as Big Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, Maple Lake, Monticello, St. Michael, Rockford, and northern Twin Cities suburbs.

From ages 8 to 80 years old, model aviation knows no boundaries. Physically challenged individuals have been very successful. Our club has been privileged to witness first-hand the successes of these members fulfilling their dream to participate in this great hobby.

For the latest information and updates on club meetings and events, follow us on Facebook and/or join our Google Group:


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